Vitamin C and Collagen to Keep You Strong and Healthy

By Arturo Galindo, Cert. Nutritional Therapist

Vitamin C and collagen are key to your health. Collagen is the most important structural substance in the body.

It’s the “mortar” that binds your cells together. The same way mortar binds bricks together. 

It’s the cement that “glues” the body to hold the tissues and organs.

And guess what?

Your body can't make collagen without ascorbic acid.

That’s right. One of the most important functions of ascorbic acid in the body is to create and maintain collagen. 

Vitamin C and CollagenVitamin C and Collagen production. More vitamin C means more and better collagen. Stronger bones, ligaments, and muscles. Stronger arteries. Faster wound healing. Youthful and soft skin.

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Important:  Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is more than a vitamin.
Why? It regulates many functions in your body to make sure they're doing their best job in keeping you healthy!

Lack of Vitamin C and Collagen

If you’re body lacks enough collagen, you're body will suffer. You’ll start to see symptoms which are very like to scurvy, or an extreme vitamin C deficiency:

  • Brittle bones that easily fracture
  • Weak arteries that rupture and cause hemorrhage
  • Weak muscles and joints that cause pain
  • Teeth that fall out
  • Wounds and sores that never heal

Symptoms of extreme Vitamin C and collagen deficiencies are very similar.

Let’s say you take some vitamin C but not enough based on your body needs. Will your body have enough collagen of good quality?

Here's what the vitamin C experts think.

If there’s not enough ascorbic acid for a long period, your body will produce poor quality collagen. This may contribute to other conditions later in life. 

  • Arthritis and joint diseases
  • Broken hips
  • Heart and vascular diseases
  • Strokes

You see, vitamin C and collagen are closely related to aging.

This is why is critical that you find how much vitamin C or ascorbic acid your body needs.

Enough Vitamin C and Collagen Production

One of the most important functions of ascorbic acid is to produce quality collagen. 

Your body can't make collagen without ascorbic acid. And more ascorbic acid improves the production of collagen in your body. 

It’s that simple.  

This means that if you're body has enough vitamin C:

  • Your bones and ligaments will be tougher and more flexible. 
  • Your arteries and veins will be stronger
  • Your muscles will be stronger
  • Your ligaments and bones 
  • Your wounds will heal faster
  • Your skin will be more youthful, soft, firm, supple and wrinkle-free

Collagen is intimately connected with the entire aging process, and it cannot be formed without ascorbic acid - Stone, The Healing Factor

Here's an interesting study that found more ascorbic acid produced more collagen. 

How to Increase Your Collagen Production

 It seems logical that if you want your body to make more collagen, you must take enough vitamin C.

The question is how much ascorbic acid should you take?

Every person is different.

Dr. Linus Pauling, twice Nobel Prize, estimated that most people need between 4-12 grams per day. This is based on how much vitamin C other animals make in their bodies per kilogram of body weight.

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  • Stone, I. (1972) The Healing Factor, Vitamin C Against Disease
  • Hickey S., Roberts H. (2004) Ascorbate, The Science of Vitamin C
  • Pubmed - Regulation of procollagen synthesis and processing during ascorbate-induced extracellular matrix accumulation in vitro.

By Arturo Galindo
Certified Nutritional Therapist

I have used vitamin C and nutrition for over 10 years to end my chronic diseases and help my family stay healthy. Learn about our story.

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