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Note: Each section below has a list of our best vitamin C tips and Q&As. Click on each question to find the answer.
By Arturo Galindo, Cert. Nutritional Therapist
Here’s a collection of our family’s best vitamin C tips for you. It includes best supplements, FAQs and How-To articles.
For over 10 years, we’ve used enough vitamin C to help our bodies better fight disease. This has helped us take fewer drugs and feel better.
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Important: Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is more than a vitamin. |
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Note: Each section below has a list of our best vitamin C tips and Q&As. Click on each question to find the answer.
Vitamin C regulates many functions in your body. It ensures they're all doing their best job in keeping you healthy. Most other animals and plants make ascorbic acid in the body in large amounts. And they make more then they're sick.
A "vitamin" amount of any nutrient prevents a vitamin deficiency. In the case of vitamin C, it prevents scurvy. But these small amounts don't prevent disease in the long term. Why? Because each person needs different amounts of nutrients.
The name "vitamin C" was given to an unknown substance in citrus fruits that cured scurvy. Years later a Nobel prize discovered the substance... and called it ascorbic acid. And many scientists discovered the body needs it in much larger amounts.
When you take enough vitamin C in the amounts that your body needs, you help your body better fight disease. As a result, you take fewer drugs and reduce the risk of negative side effects. This also means your health will start to improve.
If you don't take the vitamin C that your body needs, it'll be twice as hard to stay healthy. Even if you exercise and eat healthy food.
Here's more information on what vitamin C can do for your body.
Animals convert glucose (blood sugar) to ascorbic acid. The process involves 4 enzymes, and humans and most primates are missing the 4th enzyme.
You can take enough ascorbic acid compared to what other animals can make. If you do this, you can make symptoms of many diseases go away, often very quickly.
Here's more information on what is vitamin C.
Here’s the list of the best vitamin C supplement brands that we trust and we use.
Here's more information on vitamin C supplements.
Ascorbic acid is the purest form of vitamin C. It’s not buffered, which means it’s not mixed with other substances.
Here's more on the best vitamin C ascorbic acid powders.
Yes, they are both the same substance. Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, but ascorbic acid is more than a vitamin.
Using "vitamin" amounts, ascorbic acid helps you prevent the disease scurvy. Using the amounts that your body needs, it regulates many of your body functions.
What does this mean? If you don't take enough you'll be prone to disease in the long term. Many body functions depend on having enough to do their best job of keeping you healthy.
Sodium ascorbate is ascorbic acid mixed with sodium bicarbonate to balance the PH. It's much easier on the stomach yet it is not absorbed as effectively as ascorbic acid. Sodium ascorbate is safe in smaller doses but not for bowel tolerance or flushing.
Here's more on the best vitamin C sodium ascorbate powders.
Liposomal vitamin C is the strongest form of ascorbic acid. Liposomes are fat particles called phospholipids which are natural to the body. They protect vitamin C from the gastric juices to ensure the greatest absorption by the body.
Here's more on the best vitamin C liposomal vitamin C.
Ascorbic acid is made from glucose that is usually derived from corn. Here's more about vitamin C and how it's made.
The best way to take vitamin C depends on your age, preference, budget and dose amount. And it also depends on convenience or easy access. Once you’re skilled at taking vitamin C, most likely you’ll use a combination of all forms. This is to make sure you give your body what it needs when it needs it.
It may take time for your body to get used to larger amounts of ascorbic acid. In the meantime, you can use a buffered version of ascorbic acid like sodium ascorbate. Or you can also use liposomal vitamin C.
Some people have concerns about corn in ascorbic acid. Why? Because most manufacturers make ascorbic acid using glucose derived from corn.
But the vitamin C experts have confirmed that there is no corn whatsoever in vitamin C made from corn.
If you’re still concerned about corn in vitamin C you can find ascorbic acid derived from tapioca, beet, or fruit extracts. These are more expensive than corn-derived vitamin C.
If you took a particular supplement and had an allergy with it, read labels and switch brands. The good thing is that there are plenty to choose from.
You may be sensitive to other ingredients, excipients, and fillers. You can avoid this by taking pure ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate powders.
There are different things you can try if you have tooth sensitivity when taking powders. You can dilute the powder in more water, use a straw, or take capsules. Also, avoid consuming any food an hour after taking ascorbic acid. Do not take vitamin c supplements with sugar.
How do I find how much vitamin C my body needs?
There are different ways to find your maintenance dose of vitamin C for optimal health. You can start with a small dose and build your way up. Or you can also follow the recommendation of the experts, and find your bowel tolerance.
Here's more information on vitamin C doses.
Why is the vitamin C RDA so low?
The vitamin C recommended daily amounts help to prevent scurvy. This is a severe vitamin C nutritional deficiency. They are not the amounts of ascorbic acid that people need for optimal health.
Here's more information on vitamin C RDA values.
Why can’t I take the vitamin C my body needs from food?
Vitamin C from whole foods will most likely not be enough to maintain optimal health for most people. This is why most people need supplements. But there are ways that you can maximize your intake of the best vitamin C from food sources.
What is bowel tolerance?
Bowel tolerance is the dosage of vitamin C that causes gas but not yet loose bowel movements. This is the amount of Vitamin C that you want to take throughout the entire day, as your maintenance dose. When you're feeling under the weather, you'll want to take more to fight diseases.
What is a vitamin C flush?
A flush is taking enough Vitamin C to get loose bowel movements and clean the digestive tract. This helps you remove excess hormones, heavy metals, parasites, bad bacteria, and other toxins. Our gut flora ferments Vitamin C and supports a healthy gut.
Is it safe to take more vitamin C?
Yes, vitamin C therapy is safe, easy and cost-effective. It helps your body better fight illness and disease. Most animals and plants on earth make vitamin C, ascorbic acid. They do it no neutralize oxidative stress. You can do the same.
Here's more information on vitamin C safety.
Does more vitamin C deplete other nutrients?
Larger doses of vitamin c will not deplete other nutrients. According to the experts, it enhances the absorption and use of many other nutrients in the body.
Is vitamin C toxic when taken in large amounts?
Ascorbic acid has no known toxicity. It's a substance that is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Here's more information about vitamin C toxicity.
Do larger amounts of vitamin c cause kidney stones?
Vitamin C doesn't cause kidney stones. The idea came as part of the efforts to discredit Linus Pauling. This is when he became a proponent of larger doses of ascorbic acid to fight diseases. Dr. Pauling was the most influential scientist of the 20th century. He dedicated many years to study the properties of ascorbic acid.
Also, ascorbic acid is not listed in the risk factors mentioned by the Mayo Clinic for kidney stones.
Here's more information on vitamin C and kidney stones.
What are the best books on vitamin C?
If you want to learn more information about vitamin C, here’s a list of some of the best vitamin C books from the experts.
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By Arturo Galindo I have used vitamin C and nutrition for over 10 years to end my chronic diseases and help my family stay healthy. Learn about our story. |
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Learn what is vitamin C and why it’s more than a vitamin. Ascorbic acid can help you heal you from disease, when used in the right amounts for you.
Learn what does vitamin C do to your body and heal from disease, stop infections and delay aging. It changed my life and it can change yours too.
Vitamin C and collagen are key to your health. Enough ascorbic acid helps create more and stronger collagen. But how much vitamin C should you take?
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